Saturday, December 06, 2008

BTF - Wins IDA Pare Lorentz Award

We are so pleased to announce that BTF has won the Int'l Doc Ass'n Pare Lorentz award for socially-relevant filmmaking. Not only does this bode well for exposure of the film in the long run, but more importantly, it means the message is being heard! I owe infinite gratitude to everyone in the film who let me into their lives and entrusted me with their story.


Anonymous said...

I can relate. I worked at a lignite(coal burning), plant in Texas for 5 years. I got sick and had to quit my job. I just happened to be running up and down the TV guide and ran into the Documentary with David Novack. I realize now that I need to get off my butt and write a book about the health problems that come with the bad air and the environmental impact that comes along with the jobs that "clean coal" produces. Believe me it's not worth it. We need to find clean alternative energy so we and our children don't have to suffer the illness that comes with coal burning plants. Thanks for getting me fired up.

Anonymous said...

Cool post you got here. I'd like to read something more concerning this matter. Thanks for sharing that information.
Joan Stepsen
Tech pharma